Permanent Laser Hair Removal in Delhi

Frequently Asked Questions About Laser Hair Reduction

Many men and women struggle every day for removing their unwanted body or facial hair. Although, there are many hair removal methods available like waxing, tweezing, and epilating but they are associated with monthly hassles, sometimes pain or discomfort, and a lot of time and money. For people who are searching for a long-lasting solution for getting rid of undesirable body or facial hair, laser hair reduction is the apt method.

But if you are unsure of the whole process of laser hair reduction, here are some common frequently asked questions answered by Dr. Anu Kapoor
, best laser specialist in Delhi at Clinic Skin Essence about laser hair reduction:

What is laser hair reduction treatment?

Laser hair reduction is a revolutionary approach for slowing hair growth over an extended period. It is a safe and highly effective treatment that uses a laser to destroy the unwanted hair follicles at the desired site without damaging the skin.

What happens during laser hair reduction?

Before the procedure starts, the area to be treated is cleaned properly. Some patients receive a numbing gel to minimize the discomfort. The laser treatment takes place in a room with a special set-up. Everyone in the room must wear protective eyewear during the procedure to prevent the effect of lasers on the eyes.

To perform the procedure, the skin is held taut and a handheld laser is hovered over the skin to be treated. The laser beam penetrates the skin and reaches the hair follicles to be absorbed by the melanin of hair (situated in the hair shaft). The intense heat from the laser causes thermal damage to the stem holding the hair. This weakens the hair that eventually falls out and also limits further hair growth. For the laser to effectively work, the unwanted hair must be targeted with a laser when they are in an active growth phase. Therefore, it takes several treatment sessions to capture every hair in the growth phase and produce optimal results.

Does laser hair reduction hurt?

As compared to other hair removal methods, laser hair reduction does not hurt most people. However, it all depends on the patient’s threshold for pain. Many patients say that the laser pulses feel like warm pinpricks or a rubber band being snapped against the skin. At Clinic Skin Essence, skin clinic in Delhi the laser treatment is performed by exert skin doctor so that the treatment is comfortable and pain free.

How long will the results of laser hair reduction last?

With the completion of all laser hair removal sessions, some people can enjoy 70-90% hair reduction and possess hair-free, silky-smooth skin for months or even years. The longevity of the results varies among people. Sometimes, hormonal changes in the body can affect hair growth. After initial sessions of laser hair removal, there are still chances of hair growing back which are thin and less noticeable. Hence, maintenance laser sessions are recommended to get significant hair reduction that must space about 6 weeks apart.

Is there an age limit to get laser hair reduction?

The accepted minimum age to begin laser hair reduction can be as young as 18 years old, although most experts recommend waiting until the teen is through puberty and, if female, has begun her menstrual cycle. Female candidates who are considering laser hair reduction must be hormonally stable and not be suffering from any medical conditions like Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS). To know more if one is an ideal candidate for laser hair reduction, consult Dr. Anu Kapoor, laser skin doctor in Delhi.

How to prepare for laser hair reduction?

For a few days before laser hair reduction, the instructions to be followed are-

  • Avoid waxing, plucking, and sun-tanning for 6 weeks before the laser session.

  • Do not take medications like blood thinners and pain killers.

  • On the day of treatment take a shower and shave the hair but do not apply any lotion, deodorant, moisturizer, or sunscreens to the skin.

Can laser hair reduction be performed on any part of the body?

Laser hair reduction can be performed on any area of the body except the eyelids. The most common treatment areas are arms, legs, back, upper lip, chest, bikini area, and underarms. The patient can also get laser hair reduction on the buttocks and perianal areas, stomach, pubic area, ears, nose, scalp, forehead, eyebrows, and other parts of the face.

The cost of laser hair removal treatment in Delhi depends on the target area, number of laser sessions and type of laser machine used.

Can I go out in sun after laser hair reduction treatment?

The patient must avoid sun exposure as much as possible after the laser hair reduction procedure. In the first 48 hours of treatment, the skin is highly sensitive, thus extra sun protection is needed to prevent tanning and any complications. This is possible by using high factor sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or above and wearing sun-protective clothing over the treated area.

Are there any side effects to laser hair reduction?

The side effects are minimal. There is slight redness, mild swelling, and irritation on the treated areas which eventually subsides with time. In rare cases, some patients may experience scars, burns, or blisters. These are common in people who do not follow the aftercare instructions.

To know more about Permanent Laser Hair Removal in Delhi, schedule a consultation with the expert dermatologist at Clinic SkinEssence.

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